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wall sconce lighting porcelain enamel

Porcelain Enamel Wall Sconces Handle Vermont Winter with Style

It’s been a wild and wacky winter so far and, technically, it’s not even winter yet! In some parts of the southeast, there was snow on November 1st yet temps reached into the 70s on December 1st. You never know what winter may bring unless you live in Woodstock, Vermont, like our friend Sophia, where you are pretty much guaranteed to have your fair share of snow and ice this time of year.

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wall sconce lighting

Wall Sconces Feature Style, Portability for Consumers on the Move

I got an email not long ago from a Barn Light Electric customer who told me she was moving to a new home and would be ordering more lights soon. She had already renovated one home and was now starting over. I had to laugh when she wrote, “But don’t worry. I’m taking my favorite Jadite barn light with me!”

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