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Porcelain RLM Barn Lighting for Every Season


Even though we’re still seeing sunny, 75˚ weather on a daily basis in Florida, winter snowscapes are gradually starting to appear throughout the Northern and central United States. That fresh white powder layering the frozen tundra is the spot of some the most beautiful landscapes, even if you hate that frozen feeling.
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Deep Bowl Pendant Lighting That Can Balance Out Your Chevron Flooring

30751209925257960_wijiq231_c.jpgIf you asked anyone a few years ago what the big trend in design was, they probably would have told you anything (and everything) neutral. It was all the rage because it worked with everything and it appealed to most anybody in the case of home’s resale. Nowadays, things are a little different; it seems that many everyday items are picking up on the chevron craze. Originally made popular by the high-fashion brand Missoni, it has made its way into our homes in all sorts of ways. You may have used it yourself with duvet covers, pillowcases and the occasional lampshade, but could you be so courageous as to paint your floors like it? It’s a bold move, but it can be done and will make a huge statement if you do it right. Simply balance your sharp lines out with plenty of white, gray, and other neutrals like they did today.
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American Vintage Lighting Complements Italianate Villa

Classic Italian décor is likely to come with a welcoming, provincial feel. That’s expected, considering the warmth and family oriented nature normally associated with the Italian culture. Family heirlooms are proudly displayed and passed down from generation to generation, alongside authentic photos and secret recipes. By looking at the above photos, wouldn’t you assume that this home was definitely part of the Italian countryside? After all, look at the size of that stove – we can envision pots and pans full of enough pasta to feed an army!
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Small Schoolhouse Pendants That Light Up the Kitchen Sink

july20110151_thumb.jpgLets face it, aside from doing laundry, washing dishes is also up there on the not-so-pleasant list of chores. The motto “I cook, you clean” has gained huge popularity, whether it’s amongst college roommates, newlyweds or a just growing family. But what if you had a sink area like this? You might be the one offering to help clean up instead.
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Radial Wave Pendant Lighting for a Bright and Bold Kitchen

048-0705-kitchen-lgn.jpgBringing bold, bright colors into key areas of your home isn’t something for the faint of heart. Then there is some who use multiple vibrant colors and incorporate patterns – now we’re taking about some of the bravest choices for interior design. While it is an intimidating concept to think about, when it’s done right you may get something like we’ve featured today. A yellow gingham ceiling and a plethora of fun tile work contribute to this kitchen‘s warm and welcoming atmosphere.
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