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barn pendant lighting

Barn Pendants, Goosenecks Add Color to Blogger’s Creative Space

It’s tempting when you buy a house to dash in, put your personal stamp on it, and fill every square inch. When Kerry and her husband Travis moved into their new home on the coast of Maine, they decided to spend some time thinking instead about what they wanted the unfinished space above their garage to be. Kerry is the author of a blog called Kid Giddy while Travis is a graphic designer. Their thoughtful process and creative spirits led them to envision a creative studio.

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barn light originals gooseneck ceiling pendant1

American-Made Barn Lights Make Texas-Sized Statement on New Home

Installing a cheap, imported light from a big-box store is akin to hanging a paint-by-number landscape over the fireplace mantel. Anybody can do it and it all looks the same.

Lighting makes a statement like art on the wall,” says Tyler O’Brien, president and owner of Agave Custom Homes in central Texas. We couldn’t agree more.

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copper barn lights

Copper Gooseneck Lights Stunning Addition to 1920s Craftsman Home

When Gustav Stickley published The Craftsman in the early 1900s, he gave a jump start to the Arts and Crafts movement and the Craftsman style home. These homes often feature low pitched gable roofs, exposed beams and rafters, wood or stone siding, and generous porches.

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porcelain lighting american made

Porcelain Enamel vs Powder Coat | What’s the Difference?

Spring is lurking just around the corner and you’re getting the itch. Not the allergy kind. It’s more of the itch to give your home a fresh look. And two of the most powerful options at your disposal are color and lighting. So let’s breathe some new life into one of the most used rooms in the house — the kitchen.

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goodrich bomber black

Porcelain Enamel Offers Rugged Style for Commercial Lighting

Owning a successful business means putting your merchandise or services in the best possible light. That does not translate into simply flooding your space with as much wattage as you can afford.

Whether you own a retail boutique, a casual eatery, or an office supply store, your commercial lighting plan should help customers maneuver safely through your establishment while easily taking in all you have to offer in an inviting atmosphere.

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barn lighting

Galvanized Barn Lights, Ceiling Fans Complete Rustic Look for Barn Home

I have a longstanding love affair with barns. I grew up in the south where we had a big old barn that was better than any playhouse my friends had. My sisters and I spent countless hours there holding club meetings amongst the hay bales and watching barn swallows tend their nests in the eaves. On a rainy day, there was nothing better than a picnic lunch in the hayloft listening to the rain patter on the tin roof.

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