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schoolhouse gooseneck light

Vintage, Modern Mix Suits Bathroom Remodel

One of today’s hottest design trends — mixing both vintage and modern styles — can be tough to pull off. It’s one thing to create a modern minimalist kitchen or fill a living room with more traditional touches. But it’s another task entirely to mix these styles in a way that seamlessly blends materials, colors, and fixtures into a cohesive space.

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copper lights american made

Lighting Lingo | Understanding the Anatomy of Stem Mount Lighting

In a recent product review for the Primary Schoolhouse Stem Mount Pendant, a customer bestowed an Excellent rating on her new pendants. She wrote that the fixtures were “beautifully crafted and well packed.” She noted, however, that she misunderstood how to calculate the stem length measurement. So today we’re offering a quick primer on the parts of stem mounted lighting and how to accurately measure the size of stem you need for your space.

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pendant lighting

Guest Blogger | Nine Elements of American Coastal Style

Different seasons call for different settings: winter makes us crave the cozy cocoon of a cabin in the mountains; fall conjures images of brisk afternoons on a farm; and the warmer months inevitably turn our thoughts to the coast — crashing waves, the smell of salt air, and sand between your toes are as quintessentially summer as it gets.

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brass chandelier lighting 2

Q & A with Television Designer Kim Lewis

The tiny house movement continues to grow, not in square footage, but in popularity with those who want to free themselves from the cost and hassles of owning a large home. Don’t need 4,000 square feet of space and five bathrooms to clean? Looking to downsize as you retire? Ready to spend more time outside enjoying life instead of mowing a half-acre yard?

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