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gooseneck sign lights

Gooseneck Sign Lights Blend with Traditional Style of Historic Downtown

A stroll down historic Haddon Avenue in Collingswood, New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia, offers something for everyone. From a brewery, coffee shops, and the public library to restaurants offering Mexican, Indian, and Italian fare, this idyllic street is perfect for an afternoon outing.

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barn lighting wall sconces

Handcrafted Barn Lights Exude Rustic Style in New California Farmhouse

The relationship between builder and homeowner is often a contentious one. The build process is rarely simple or easy and is marked with countless decisions, unexpected problems, and delays. Throw money into the mix and it’s no wonder both sides get testy!

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gooseneck barn lighting 1

Barn Lights Add Fun, Soothe Fears in Pediatric Dentist Office

Going to the dentist strikes fear in the heart of many adults. For kids, the fear can be even greater thanks to the uncertainty of what exactly will happen in that big scary chair!

When designer Terrie Day of Allure With Decor was approached about remodeling a pediatric dentist office in Medford, Oregon, she wanted to create a space where kids could feel at ease and even have some fun.

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outdoor gooseneck lighting

Durable, American-Made Lights Keep Massachusetts Homeowner Coming Back

On a recent road trip through New England, we had the chance to visit with several Barn Light Electric customers. Megan was featured on Monday as we shared how she transformed her garrison colonial into a classic farmhouse complete with bold, black barn lights.

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wall sconces

Barn Lights Help Transform Garrison-Style Home to Classic Farmhouse

What to do when you live in a garrison-style home but would love a modern farmhouse instead? Tear it down and start over? Move?

Megan faced this dilemma, and though she loved many things about her home and neighborhood, she had three requirements for staying put.

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gooseneck lighting 1

Sneak Peek | Adding Farmhouse Style to New England Homes

Summertime means travel time as people hit highways and back roads to discover new places and revisit old favorites. We spent last week traveling up the East Coast to New England where we ate our fill of lobster, clam chowder, and fish tacos. Along the way, we visited some Barn Light Electric customers who chose handcrafted barn lights for their homes.

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