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Featured Customer | Classic Gooseneck Barn Lights for 1920s Style General Store

Just outside the bustling LBJ Freeway north of Dallas lies a quiet oasis that transports you back to a simpler time. The Farmers Branch Historical Park celebrates the late 19th and early 20th centuries with restored homes, a schoolhouse, log cabins, a museum, and train depot nestled on 27 acres studded with beautiful gardens. The latest addition to the park is the General Store which allows for interpretation of local history with period music, clothing, and food on display for an interactive experience. General stores served as the commercial hub of small towns, and this facility recreates the historical detailing right down to the gooseneck barn lighting on the front porch.
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Featured Customer | Porcelain Jadite Pendants for A Modern Farmhouse Kitchen

While getting older may have its downsides, the perspective that comes with age is a blessed thing. Many empty nesters realize that the 4,000-square-foot home they lovingly maintained while the kids were growing up is actually way too big and too much work when there are more entertaining ways to spend a weekend. Such was the case for today’s Featured Customer, Janet and her husband, who decided to downsize their living space in a quiet and peaceful setting. Their dream — a modern, one-level farmhouse situated on 10 acres in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
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ivanhoe sinclair graniteware porcelain pendant kitchen1

Industrial Farmhouse Brightened with Porcelain Graniteware Pendants

Farmhouses can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that they’re filled with character and history and charm. A curse in that the years can take a toll even on well-built homes. When Diane and Jim of Washington, Vermont, took ownership of their old family homestead, built in 1850, they knew it would need some updating.
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ivanhoe sinclair graniteware porcelain pendant kitchen

Featured Customer | Graniteware Pendants, Radial Wave Sconce for an 1850s Farmhouse

Family heirlooms can take many forms. Grandma’s favorite brooch is nice; Uncle Eddie’s collection of 1940s Popular Mechanic, not so much. Today’s Featured Customers, Diane and Jim of Washington, Vermont, hit the jackpot when it comes to family heirlooms. They recently took ownership of the family farmhouse which was built in 1850. Like most old homes, this treasure needed some updating.
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barn light glass shades kitchen

Barn Pendant Lights for a Historical Farm House Renovation

barn_light_glass_shades_kitchen.jpgWhen you live in a place that saw settlers as early as the 1600s and your own home is more than 100 years old, you feel a sense of responsibility to respect the history and vernacular of the place. Especially when remodeling! Our friends at the design firm of Schappacher White Ltd., in Lower Manhatten, recently undertook the full renovation of a 1904 farmhouse on Shelter Island located at the eastern end of Long Island. The renovation included an addition, swimming pool, and site planning. The goal was to use as many reclaimed materials as possible along with modern pieces that would layer the history of the space with today’s amenities. The kitchen boasts a traditional farmhouse feel with open shelving, white beadboard cabinetry, wood floors, and two delicate barn pendants highlighting the center island.
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barn wall sconce galvanized lighting

Galvanized Sconce Brings Rustic Barn Character to Modern Home

Barn doors have been popping up in places other than the big building on the back 40 for some time now. Barn doors are rustic yet with an industrial edge, and this custom-made, knotty pine door features a clear stain that lets the grain, knots, and character of the wood show through beautifully. Adding to the barn flavor is the Wall Sconce just inside the next room. Read More »