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commercial lighting barn pendants

Barn Pendants Bring Warm, Rustic Look to DC Wine Store

For a business owner, an inviting space that draws customers in is the first step to success. Traffic flow, colors, and materials all play a part, but appropriate lighting for a commercial business is one of the most important components. After all, if consumers can’t see those beautiful retail displays, they won’t linger very long.

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porcelain enamel pendant light

Guest Blogger | How To Decorate With White

Done well, white rooms are peerless. They’re breezy and light, ethereal and welcoming, calming and utterly timeless. They forsake trends and transcend any period, style, or geography. Though for some, decorating with white can be daunting. We’ve all seen white gone wrong, resulting in boring, chilly, or downright sterile spaces. But with these simple guidelines and tips, you can achieve the white room of your dreams (even if you have children and pets!).

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cafe string lights outdoor lighting

Guest Blogger | Light Your Way to a Beautiful Warm-Weather Yard

It’s finally that most perfect of seasons, when the sun starts to shine a little warmer, flowers begin waking from their winter nap, and chirping birds return from their yearly migration. At this time of year, our attention naturally shifts from cozy indoors to front porches and backyards, neglected for months and in desperate want of some TLC. And when the final flower is planted and blade of grass mowed, be sure to show off your hard work – even when the sun goes down – with the perfect exterior lighting.

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