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handcrafted nightstand

Mastering the Bedroom | How to Create a Relaxing Retreat for Sleep

As you’re winding down at the end of the day, do you find your master bedroom is a relaxing retreat or more of a jumbled mess of laundry, paperwork, and electronic devices?

Creating the right atmosphere in the bedroom is critical for an uninterrupted, peaceful snooze. Experts say that getting a good night’s sleep not only helps your body recover physically from the demands of the day, but it also helps your mind and spirit as well.

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vintage copper pendants

Copper Pendant Lights Add Warmth to Dining Room Update

Most remodeling plans focus on updates — bringing colors, appliances, fixtures, and furniture into a more modern age. For Ben, of Concord, Massachusetts, the complete remodel of his dining/kitchen area included a new Viking range and wainscoting plus new windows and insulation. The final touch came down to lighting where he looked for something with a bit of history.

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home office lighting 1

Guest Blogger | Home Office Design to Suit Your Work Style

The workforce is evolving, with more people working from home than ever before. In fact, 43 percent of employed Americans said they spent at least some time working remotely in 2016.

With more adults than ever working from their homes (and I’m one of them!), it’s become increasingly important to have a home office from which you can conduct business, be productive, and get inspired (even real estate professionals have noticed an increased demand for home office space among buyers). Here’s how to create a functional and stylish home office of your own:

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