Porcelain Bomber Delivers Powerful Punch of Light and Style
As we head into our annual 4th of July sale, it’s Porcelain Blowout Week at Barn Light Electric! We’re featuring some of our all-time favorite porcelain fixtures and introducing some new styles, sizes, and colors that promise to be just as popular!
And nothing says Barn Light Electric more than warehouse shades! Check out this handsome red gooseneck — a classic RLM warehouse shade straight from a 1930s farmyard. This light has found a home outside a furniture company in east Tennessee and not only lights up the entryway but coordinates well with its matching red pendant. The gooseneck fixture is much like our Goodrich® 17″ Bomber Porcelain Gooseneck Light, a beefy shade that throws a wide span of light. Available in eight shiny porcelain finish colors that are as durable as they are beautiful, the Goodrich® Bomber is American made with the finest materials so you can enjoy it for a lifetime. You can customize this gooseneck by choosing to match the gooseneck arm to your shade color or go with a complementary color like brushed aluminum, black, or white. And don’t forget to check out our complete line of gooseneck arms — you can be sure to find just the right bend and extension for your space.
The red pendant in this photo resembles the Ivanhoe® version of the Bomber which is from our line of cord-hung porcelain pendants. The Ivanhoe® Bomber comes in the same glass enamel finish colors as the Goodrich® and you can customize this light with your choice of colored cotton twist cord.
The Bomber is also available as a stem mount for outdoor applications and is found in our line of Benjamin® Porcelain Pendants. And our newest adaptation of the Bomber was announced in yesterday’s blog — the Bomber Studio Light! With its combined suspension cable and cord mounting, this light is perfect for kitchens, workshops, or anywhere you need that signature Bomber span of focused light!