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kitchen after ivanhoe jadite pendant 1

Professional’s Corner | Soothing Jadite Adds Touch of the Sea to Coastal Cottage

Have you heard the news? The hottest color palette of the year is a soothing mix of sea blue, emerald green, and creamy jade according to Pantone, the standardized color reproduction system that designers live by. The palette is perfect for coastal-themed homes whether they are located within the reaches of salt air or not. […]

Featured Customer | Graniteware Pendants Star in A&E Flipping Boston Series

The two stars of A&E’s Flipping Boston series keep viewers entertained each week in their efforts to flip homes for a profit in the tough New England market. One viewer commented that Peter Souhleris and Dave Seymour “bicker like an old married couple” yet their combined talents always seem to pull the team together in […]

Featured Customer | Porcelain Lighting Chosen for Natural, Honest Quality

It’s a short but scenic, 4.5-mile ride over the Bay Bridge to cross from Annapolis to Kent Island, Maryland, but it is truly a world away. Maryland’s Eastern Shore is dotted with farmlands, forests, and quaint small towns like Oxford which is home to the Preservation Green Horticultural Center. This center is a working studio […]

ivanhoe porcelain cord hung pendant dining room

Ivanhoe Porcelain Pendant Launches Home Remodeling Plan

When Katie, of Irvine, California, moved into her 1970s-era home last fall, the renovating and redecorating plans were already starting to percolate in her mind. She plans to take her time in updating and renovating over the next few years. The first thing to go was the standard five-light chandelier in the dining area, and Katie replaced […]

goodrich porcelain gooseneck barn light commercial1

Porcelain Barn Light Has Optimum Angle of Light for NY Business

Every business needs good exterior lighting to help customers safely navigate their way to the front door after dark and to bring attention to the business from passersby. Yet fixtures that throw light all around are not only annoying to the neighbors, but can create dangerous glare and shadows where prowlers can hide which defeats the purpose […]