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squire barber shop 2

Featured Customer | David from Seattle, WA

Barber Shops and Barn Lighting – an unexpected combo that turned into a match made in heaven. Today’s featured customer, David Squire, owner of Squire Barber Shop, followed his dream and opened up his own business. David has been working as a barber since 1996, when he graduated from Bates Technical College. Today he works […]

idea cottage kitchen l

Vintage Pendant Lights for a Coastal Kitchen

Warehouse barn lights aren’t just for warehouses anymore, let alone barns! Take a look around the next time you’re out and about in your favorite restaurant or store – it’s likely you’ll begin to notice these vintage lights everywhere. The reason why? Warehouse style pendant lights are flexible, versatile and relatively inexpensive. This makes them […]

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Featured Customer | Chris from Keyport, NJ

Ahh, the American Dream. To everyone it means something different, but we can guarantee that there is one common theme between all of our dreams. It’s all about setting a goal and finding a way to do what you love, and today’s featured customer happened to do exactly that. Originally from New York, Chris Calabrese […]

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Modern Ceiling Fans for Rustic Country Bedrooms

Farmhouse design normally encompasses anything and everything rustic, vintage or antique. Designers and homeowners track down unique pieces and add them to their space for an all-around together look. Many choose to bring in a bit of the outdoors with natural pieces like a pinewood dining table or simply using wild flowers as a centerpiece. […]