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farmhouse mudroom

Mini Warehouse Ceiling Light for a Small Mudroom

For those living in rural areas, the majority of your time is spent outdoors. On occasion, that includes getting dirty, muddy, and sometimes just plain filthy. Rubber boots, like the pairs seen in the photo, are the shoe of choice and entryways become a catch all for the mud and the muck. It’s no longer […]

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Discount Factory Pendant Lights That Highlight Quality Living

Have you ever noticed that the quality has diminished in some of the products in your home? Did you ever check to see if the item was imported – brought in from some overseas land? Chances are they were, and that’s the case for many of the items in our homes today, including lighting – […]

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Porcelain RLM Barn Lighting for Every Season

Even though we’re still seeing sunny, 75˚ weather on a daily basis in Florida, winter snowscapes are gradually starting to appear throughout the Northern and central United States. That fresh white powder layering the frozen tundra is the spot of some the most beautiful landscapes, even if you hate that frozen feeling. Read More »

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Featured Customer | Roger Hazard at Design Hazards

Think back to a few years ago. Do you remember the show “Sell This House?” Yeah, it’s that one where they stage homes for sale in order to get them…well, sold. The show was hosted and produced by none other than Roger Hazard, declared as “TV’s original home stager.” Along with his husband, Chris, they […]