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mixing bowls porcelain enamel

Mix Things Up with New Porcelain Enamel Mixing Bowls

This time of year always sparks kitchen memories for me. My hands-down, absolute favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because, quite frankly, what’s not to love about a holiday that’s all about food?! And when you throw in generous helpings of family and football — and nothing to wrap — you have a holiday with no rival. Read […]

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Porcelain Enamel Lighting Suits Arts & Crafts Wood Shop

Early last spring, we visited a beautiful arts-and-crafts style woodshop located in the mountains of western North Carolina. The exterior of the shop, home to ShopDog USA, features rugged industrial wall sconces that provide not only much needed light in the rural setting, but also bring an eye-catching, rustic touch to the façade. Read More »

barn lighting american made gooseneck lighting

Guest Blogger | Eight Ways to Prepare for Holiday Guests

Believe it or not, the holiday season has officially arrived — Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away with Christmas right at its heels. That means amid all the gift-hunting and recipe-tasting and general merry-making, your home is about to become a revolving door of holiday guests — sometimes unannounced! Make sure you’re ready for […]

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Barn Lighting Adds Rustic Complement to CA Hacienda

After Mike and Veronica moved into their Fullerton, California, home last year, they were happy that the home itself didn’t need major attention or repairs. Originally built in the 1940s and renovated in 2000, the 3,000-square-foot, hacienda-style home simply needed an upgrade in the outdoor lighting. Read More »

bare bulb pendant lighting commercial lighting

Sushi Maki on a Roll with Restaurant Refresh

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Sushi Maki, a South Florida institution known for spreading the joy of great sushi, the restaurant’s design team recently began a refresh of the properties. Starting with the flagship location in Coral Gables, the team wanted to create a light and breezy feel to the space. Read More »

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Schoolhouse Lighting Makes the Grade After the Flip

There is no shortage of TV shows that feature house flippers — those optimistic souls who purchase distressed properties, do some quick renovations, then sell the house for a tidy profit. Or at least they hope so. But what happens when the cameras move to the next property and new homeowners move in? Read More »