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porcelain enamel cups 1

Porcelain Cups Offer Functionality, Pop of Color in Bathroom

Sometimes it’s the little things that start the day off right. Like a well-organized bathroom counter with everything in place. Chris, a customer from New Jersey, wanted to corral the clutter in her bathrooms so she opted for handcrafted porcelain cups. These cups not only capture the chaos, but add a pop of color to this small […]

barn wall sconce lighting 1

Custom Lighting Offers Rustic Modern Touch to Maine Cabin

Last Friday, we started a tour of a lovely home perched on the rugged east coast of Maine. Kim, the homeowner, used custom barn lighting throughout the new build to create the rustic modern vibe of a traditional Maine camp. Today, we head inside where Kim’s use of both traditional and contemporary materials has created a bright […]

wall sconce light

Barn Lighting Brings Farm Home Back to Glory Days

When Randy set about renovating his Leavenworth County, Kansas, home, his main goal was to give the structure a classic late-1800s look. “This farm dates back to 1880 and we wanted to bring the buildings back to what they would have looked like at that time,” he explains. Barn lighting played a major role in his design direction as […]