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ivanhoe sinclair porcelain pendant kitchen

Featured Customer | Colorful Porcelain Pendants Star in Apartment Remodel

When you tackle a remodeling project, there is a laundry list of decisions to make — what rooms need attention, will the changes be cosmetic or structural, and what kind of budget is realistic for the family. When Eva took on the remodeling of her home, a barn-like structure nestled in a beautiful valley in […]

benjamin wilcox porcelain stem mount light

Featured Customer | Porcelain Pendant Lights Add Vintage Touch to Home Remodel

A dedicated home office space can be a real boon if you find yourself working from home even part time. The only problem with a home office is that it often ends up looking, well, like an office. Our featured customers Michael and Ellen work in New York City — Michael as an engineer and […]

ivanhoe sinclair industrial porcelain pendant

Featured Customer | Porcelain Pendants Give Nostalgic Feel to Historic Diner

In a remodeling project, it takes a special eye to look beyond a tired and dated space and let your mind imagine what could be. When Featured Customers Oleg & Richele Baburin and partners Walter & Michele Jahncke took over the Northside Café in Winterset, Iowa, last March, the space had drop ceilings, burgundy wallpaper, […]

ivanhoe union porcelain pendant kitchen1

Featured Customer | Classic Barn Pendants for a Cottage Renovation Down Under

In the midst of renovating her 1930s-era cottage in western Australia, today’s Featured Customer Kathy was faced with a search for lighting. She started on Ebay looking for vintage barn lights, made the leap to Pinterest, and voila — she found Barn Light Electric! Read More »

outback gooseneck light exterior

Featured Customer | Barn Lights Beautify New Coastal Home Inside and Out

When Hurricane Sandy was bearing down on the East Coast just before Halloween, millions of anxious Americans watched and waited. In Madison, Connecticut, a coastal town along Long Island Sound, Jennifer and Mark had just finished installing barn lights and were putting the finishing touches on their brand new home when the hurricane hit. “We […]

sinclair industrial porcelain pendant commercial

Featured Customer | Porcelain Pendants for Swine Dining in the Southwest

Hmm, let’s see… what goes well with recycled wooden ammunition boxes? Porcelain barn lights of course! These 1950s-era ammo boxes played a starring role in the remodel of an existing space that has become the popular Brat Haüs Restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona. Leading the design charge was Featured Customer and owner Dave Andrea and designer […]