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goodrich bomber black

Porcelain Enamel Offers Rugged Style for Commercial Lighting

Owning a successful business means putting your merchandise or services in the best possible light. That does not translate into simply flooding your space with as much wattage as you can afford.

Whether you own a retail boutique, a casual eatery, or an office supply store, your commercial lighting plan should help customers maneuver safely through your establishment while easily taking in all you have to offer in an inviting atmosphere.

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copper pendant lighting

Raw Copper: The Old Man of Materials is Now the Comeback Kid

If you’re a follower of design blogs, you’ve probably kept up with the chatter on this year’s design trends. From the crowning of Radiant Orchid as the color of the year to the trend of mixing metals, fabrics, and colors in a space, this year seems to be about choosing pieces you love and worrying less about making everything match!

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industrial farmhouse lighting

Lighting Resolutions: Start Your Year on the “Bright” Foot

If you’re like me, that hopeful list of 2014 resolutions you compiled on January 1st is still hanging on your fridge waiting to be started. Fortunately, the resolutions “I resolve to read more” and “I resolve to spend more quality time with friends and family” don’t have expiration dates. However, my goal to “paint my burnt orange guest bath emerald green while it’s still en vogue” is a little more time sensitive.

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radiant orchid accents

Style Me Sunday: Radiant Orchid Energizes Our Color Palettes

In 2013, Pantone delighted the design world by naming Emerald Green as the color of the year. This Thursday, Pantone decided to refresh our color palettes by naming Radiant Orchid as the 2014 Color of the Year. This fresh and feminine hue is popular for floral arrangements, but we are excited to see how it is infused in interior design. Here are some of our favorite complementary hues. Which one suits your style?

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barn light wall sconce lighting

Interview with Canadian Designer Alykhan Velji

If you follow the Barn Light Electric Facebook page, you may have noticed a photo yesterday from one of our favorite north-of-the-border designers — Alykhan Velji of Calgary, Canada. We featured Aly’s special touch in a previous blog post when he created a nursery using a sophisticated palette of grey and white then highlighted the space with brilliant yellow accents. Aly has worked his magic again in a child’s space, this time a bathroom, where the color yellow makes another splash.

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friends set design interiors style me sunday1

Style Me Sunday: Friend-ly Spaces

I’m a little behind the 8-ball when it comes to classic television. As much as I enjoy curling up on the couch with a bag of popcorn for a night of per-recorded fun, I’m about a decade behind the band of buddies on Friends. I started the first season this week and was surprised about how much I recognized the show’s creative set design. In case you’re like me, pre-Friends, the show originates in the mid-90s and revolves around the lives of six friends. It’s wacky, endearing, and quite colorful.

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