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Guest Blogger | One Schoolhouse Light, Three Different Styles

One of the things I love most about interior design is how open it is for interpretation – colors, accessories, moods, and even settings can all affect the way the beholder experiences a room.

Like many other aspects of décor, when it comes to lighting there are very few (arguably, if any) rules that are hard and fast. A simple swap of a chair, wallpaper, or even just a few throw pillows can make a light fixture that felt unequivocally one style suddenly feel entirely opposite. How cool is that?!

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atomic wall sconce

Color Trends for 2018 | What’s on Your Palette?

We have yet to flip the calendar to December, but design experts are already making predictions for next year’s trending colors. Benjamin Moore, one of America’s oldest paint companies, set the tone early pronouncing Caliente as their choice. The bold red hue is described as “strong, radiant, and full of energy.”

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copper bowls copper cups

Gift Guide | Our Staff’s Best Picks for the Holiday Season

And just like that, the holiday shopping madness begins! Seems like just yesterday, we were enjoying turkey and pumpkin pie. Oh wait, we were!

But today we turn our sights on finding the perfect gift for that significant someone, a sibling, a teacher, or friend. Skip the lines, avoid endless circling of the mall parking lot, and find amazing gifts right here! To help launch your search, some of our staff offer up their suggestions for those special, handcrafted gifts that will be cherished for years to come.

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How To | Last-Minute Advice for Stress-Free Thanksgiving

What’s not to love about Thanksgiving? A holiday that’s all about food, family, and football with zero presents to wrap makes it just about perfect in my book!

Hopefully you’re ready for everything from roasting the bird to mastering Aunt Jo’s classic sweet potato casserole. But just in case you’re still juggling last-minute details, we’re here to offer some advice on how to have a stress-free, even fun-filled day.

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jenn k design 2

How To | Welcome the Season With Color, Texture & Lighting

Our Instagram feed has been overflowing of late and everyone seems to be focusing on the front porch. Is there a friendly competition going on for Best Fall Porch Décor?!

Prepping your front porch for the holidays is fun and can show off your personality to family, friends, and passersby. And while pumpkins, wreaths, and pretty flowers can add color and texture to a porch, don’t forget that thoughtful exterior lighting can add the finishing touch to the overall scene.

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brass wall sconce lighting

Must-Have Pieces for a Dorm Room Makeover with Kevin O’Gara

We enjoy bringing you the latest trends, not only in barn lighting, but in home décor and design. Today we welcome back one of the freshest voices in the interior design world — Kevin O’Gara of Thou Swell. Kevin created his interior design blog, named for an old jazz tune, as a place to share home, garden, and entertaining projects with an avant-garde mix of modern and traditional design.

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