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rodeo warehouse light1

Gooseneck Lights at Mimi’s Cafe Entrance


Outdoor lighting, like the featured gooseneck lights today, give Mimi’s Cafe a remarkably unique design that stands out among the rest of the national chain restaurants.

Much like ourselves, Mimi’s service and specialties are based around the early to mid 1900’s. According to Mimi’s website, each of the cafes (currently found in 24 different states), was built with rustic décor and a colorful exterior inspired from a World War 2 era French Country Cottage. In several locations along the exterior walls, gooseneck lights resembling the The Original Barn Light and the Rodeo Warehouse Shade are strategically placed to shine above on the banister and the company’s logo. The charming look of the lights at the front entrance add to the character and ambiance at the cafe known for its detailed decor and old fashioned cooking. Read More »

porcelain gooseneck lights1

Long Arm Gooseneck Lights at Pittsburgh’s Famous Diner


Fabulous food isn’t the only reason why Pamela’s Diner has remained one of Pittsburgh’s most popular breakfast spots. Outdoor gooseneck lighting is only part of the retro charm and memorable atmosphere that draws a steady base of loyal customers. Pamela’s Diner is a favorite stop for locals and tourists, alike, including Barack Obama and John McCain, who both stopped in for a bite during their respective presidential campaigns. Read More »

primanti brothers

Pendant Lighting in America’s Iconic Restaurants


Great food isn’t the only common theme among the country’s most popular restaurants, you also have to have the atmosphere. When you combine the two, word of mouth spreads and your business becomes one of the hottest in the country! Aside from the traditional cookie-cutter approach seen by many national chains, one local Pittsburgh hot spot has clearly set itself apart. It’s headquarters to thousands of Steeler fans on game day and the home of the Primanti Sandwich! The Terrible Towel may be waiving, but the food is anything but!
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porcelain barn light pendants

Porcelain Barn Lights for Restaurant Lighting


Restaurateurs know the importance of making a good first impression. With unique decorations and vintage inspired barn lights like the Ivanhoe® Sinclair Industrial Porcelain Pendant, they can create an atmosphere that makes the difference between luring in a one-time customer or a local regular.
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porcelain pendant lighting

Porcelain Enamel Barn Lighting at Dinosaur BBQ


A New York favorite, Dinosaur BBQ, recently opened its fourth restaurant within the Empire State. The new establishment is located on the eastern bank of the Hudson River in Troy, New York. Above the full service liquor bar in the center of the restaurant, you’ll see our very own Barn Light Electric Ivanhoe® Sinclair Industrial Porcelain Pendants.

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gooseneck sign light

Gooseneck Warehouse Shades Highlight a Restaurant’s Exterior


Restaurant and store owners know the incredible value of a unique and lively atmosphere to greet their customers. To accent their outdoor signs and walls, many owners choose to install Gooseneck Barn Lights or RLM warehouse shades. Gooseneck lighting fixtures provide a unique accent and a concentrated beam of light to showcase signs, menus, murals, or addresses. Read More »