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barn light exterior

Barn Lights, Angle Shades Add Snap to Gourmet Chip Company

Tourists strolling the streets of Asheville, which is nestled in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina, now have a tasty alternative when they crave a snack. The Gourmet Chip Company opened its doors in early 2011 and offers a dozen different selections of potato chips dressed up with anything from gourmet Italian cheese and seasonings to Belgian dark chocolate and even sweet potatoes spiced with hot Cajun seasonings. It’s gourmet chips like you’ve never had!

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rm barbara bestor pitfire pizza9a

Bare Bulb Pendants Offer Maximum Effect in Restaurant Lighting

The age of dining in a typical restaurant has come and gone. Advancing out of worn down booths and wobbly tables is the best move any restaurant or bistro can make, especially in the time of high competition. After all, dining out is an experience – it isn’t just about the food.

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RLM Warehouse Lighting Spotted at House of Blues in New Orleans

DSCF0148.jpgBack in 2005, the city of New Orleans was flooded and tormented with the wrath of Hurricane Katrina. That didn’t stop the city from maintaining its undeniable and well known charm though. During a recent visit, had I never known about the devastation, I would have never guessed such a tragedy had occurred. Read More »

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Classic Gooseneck Barn Lights at a Modern American Restaurant

If you’ve ever been to downtown Frederick, Maryland, you may have been interested in dining at The Tasting Room. Surely with such an innovative concept paired up with a sophisticated atmosphere, you may expect pricey and out of the ordinary cuisine, right? That’s not exactly the case. Their dinner menu is packed full of classic American foods – but with a twist. This essentially makes their restaurant a must-see on the list of many visitors to this area.

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Sustainable Barn Lighting in a Rustic Starbucks Coffee Shop

Surely you’re familiar with the coffee empire known worldwide as Starbucks. Beginning in Seattle, Washington as a small coffee shop, the brand has grown internationally and is well known for their hand brewed coffee and tea. Have you ever heard of the 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea Shop? Probably not, unless you’re from the Seattle area. The 15th Avenue store is a new concept being introduced by the Starbucks brand; instead of bearing the household Starbucks name, they will carry a moniker relating to the neighborhoods they are springing up in.
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edison bulb pendant lighting

Minimalist Pendant Lamps in a French Industrial Café

edison_bulb_pendant_lighting.pngEven the thought of Paris evokes images of romance. It’s all over the city – in the elaborate architecture, cozy sidewalk cafés and probably their most famous monument in France, the Eiffel Tower. You may even think of the nearby Versailles, a palace covered in luxury and glamor, however, this isn’t what the elegant and bustling city is all about. Tucked away behind vintage facades and up narrow alley staircases are charming lofts with an industrial look.
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