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deep bowl pendant lighting

Barn Light Pendants for Industrial Renovation

Some people look at an old building and see nothing but a future demolition site. Architects often see much more.

When Andrew Van Leeuwen, partner and lead architect with BUILD in Seattle, Washington, first spied the future home of Creative LIVE in San Francisco, he could tell the building had undergone a series of unfortunate remodels. But the building’s original “grit and texture” survived, and the BUILD team worked painstakingly to revive the historical charm of this 1920s-era industrial brick building.

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Building Bling: Classic Sign Lights Enhance Commercial Space

Many business owners spend a lot of time and money on the signage and logo that define their brand. And why not? Your brand is a critical component of your business and the look that people come to identify with you and your product. But once you perfect the logo and install the perfect sign, the job is not quite finished.

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Emblem Sign Lights Provide Safety, Style in Alleyway

Any professional will tell you that repeat clients are often the best. A relationship has been established, personal nuances ironed out, and it’s like old friends getting together to discuss a new project. Krister Lile, owner of Plank Island Studio in Aberdeen, Washington, was thrilled to hear from his friends at the West Coast Hearing Clinic when the need arose for some commercial sign lighting at their new location.

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Industrial Lighting Helps Sets Mood for Commercial Businesses

One of the most basic functions of good lighting is to establish a mood within a space. And I’m not talking candles or a dimmer switch on the dining room pendants. The mood is set not only with the illumination but with the fixture itself, and nowhere is this more important than in commercial operations. When customers and employees enter your building, you want the lighting to be functional and to set a tone for the environment that makes customers feel welcome and employees feel happy!
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sign lights commerical sign lighting

Featured Customer | Angle Shades Cast Bright Spot on New Signage for Nickelfish

When we first visited Nickelfish back in a February 2012 post, this interactive design and marketing company in Mendham, New Jersey, had just finished renovating their office space with our Outback Gooseneck Lights and Outback Pendants. Located in the Thomas Wolfe House, the office is in the Mendham Historic Business District and looks very much as it did in the 1930s when barn lights were first being manufactured. Today, Nickelfish has expanded their operations into the building next door, explains Kelly Mills, office manager for Nickelfish.
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