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Redesigned Product Pages Make Customizing Barn Lights Even Easier!

If you’re a frequent visitor to the Barn Light Electric website, you may have noticed some changes taking place over the last few months. In our continuing effort to improve the overall customer experience, our sales, marketing, and IT teams have been working to give our product pages an overhaul with a new, easy-to-navigate design.

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Historic Growth Marks Barn Light Electric Birthday Celebration

How long does it take to launch a business? To grow from a fledgling idea at the dining room table to a major manufacturing facility with more than 100 employees?

For the owners of Barn Light Electric, the amazing ride started just 11 years ago. From the backyard barn where vintage lights were cleaned and rewired to a 60,000-square-foot building where hundreds of lights are shipped around the globe each day, Barn Light has experienced phenomenal growth since 2008.

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