Behind the Scenes | The Pieces, Parts & Processes of American Manufacturing
There are countless steps taken to manufacture Barn Light Electric’s American-made lighting. Many hands contribute to the process as hundreds of fixtures ship out the door each day.
One very important set of hands belongs to Scott, our Supervisor of Inventory and Quality Control. Scott has been with the company for more than seven years and has also worked in purchasing, inventory control, research & development, and as regional sales manager.
“Manufacturing is a big, breathing organism,” Scott says. “There are always new problems as we work through each part of the process, and there will always be new solutions. Nothing is hard if you enjoy it.” Scott’s current duties include making sure every employee has the materials and supplies needed to keep the process moving forward each day and that the end product is one that he would be proud to install in his own home.
Well-known to his fellow employees for his amazing recall, Scott is the go-to guy when there are questions about processes or even discussions that took place years ago.
“If you’re not sure about something we used to do or whenever there’s a discrepancy, we go to Scott,” says Mark, Barn Light’s Plant Operations Manager. “He has the memory of an elephant. He can tell you what we discussed and even what you were wearing. He never forgets anything and knows it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don’t know how he does it.”
Scott worked remotely for Barn Light while he lived in Pennsylvania and Ohio, but has lived on the Space Coast of Florida for three years now. His work, and remembering every detail of a very complex process, keeps him busy, but he enjoys the outdoor activities offered by the area including kayaking and hitting the beach with his two kids.
“I’m a fan of the supply chain as purchasing and inventory go hand in hand,” Scott notes. “But I have always enjoyed the manufacturing side of things as well and seeing the steps it takes to get a product out. When it all comes together, it’s a beautiful thing to see!”