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Nautical Lighting for Renovated Summer Camp Dining Hall

It’s the first day of June and, if you’re a kid, the joys of summer are tantalizingly close! For many kids, June is time to pack up the sleeping bag, bug spray, and bathing suit for a week or two at summer camp.

In the heart of Maine’s Lake Region, Camp Laurel South hosts about 800 campers each summer on the shores of Crescent Lake. Kids participate in dozens of activities including hiking, kayaking, swimming, arts and crafts, theatre, and a wide variety of team sports. The camp, located in Casco, has been undergoing a major renovation, and the main dining hall is just about ready for this summer’s campers.


“The Moose Head Dining Hall is our main dining facility and over the last three years we have created a brand new facility,” says David Herman, parent liaison. “Each of the three sections has been torn down and completely rebuilt and the final phase is being completed now.” David, and camp director Roger Christian, selected six large Amidships Bulkhead Wall Mount Lights with a Galvanized finish to highlight the façade of the new building.


“The initial lights we used just didn’t hold up well and it was time to replace them as this final section was being completed,” David notes. “We wanted quality lights that would hold up over time first and foremost.”


The Amidships Bulkhead Light is a classic nautical wall light with roots dating back to the bulkhead lights found on early steamer ships. Its compact size lends itself well to building exteriors or tight spaces such as hallways and small rooms. The frost ribbed glass gives the light a bright, yet soft glow.


“Our camp feel is both nautical and ‘campy’ and we utilize both styles of lighting at our camp,” David says. “The bulkhead lights from Barn Light Electric fit those two themes perfectly.” With their sturdy guards and flush mounting, these exterior wall lights will not only be a beacon to campers all summer long but will be able to withstand the harsh Maine winters.


“We love the nautical feel and the great quality,” David says. “We’ve been shopping at Barn Light Electric for several years and we love the product.”

Photos courtesy of Camp Laurel South

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