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barn lighting american made

Behind the Scenes | Welder Crafts New Life on the Space Coast

When Sammy lived in the heart of Manhattan, everything he needed was close at hand. But after growing up and living in the Big Apple for many years, Sammy was ready for a change. He started searching for a job in a new place where he and his family could transplant their New York roots. He stumbled upon Barn Light Electric and applied for a job as a welder.

Fast forward almost two years and Sammy is right at home on the Space Coast of Titusville. As Barn Light Electric’s certified welder, he spends much of each day welding parts together for gooseneck lights and post mount lights. He is thrilled with how the transition played out.

barn light electric

“I love it here. It’s a small town, quiet, and close to everything including the beach,” Sammy says. “I’ve been a certified welder for 20+ years and I was happy to get this job before we even moved down.” When he’s not busy welding parts, Sammy helps out in other areas of the machine shop.

barn light electric

“I love this company because everyone here is part of the team,” he notes. “We all help each other out when needed. The owners are great, humble people who really care about their employees.”

Sammy also appreciates the concern for safety especially in the machine shop which is full of fast spinning, hole punching, metal cutting machinery. In the welding area, Sammy works with porcelain steel, aluminum, and galvanized metals that can produce a lot of smoke. When the existing overhead exhaust couldn’t keep up with the smoke, Sammy requested a new one.

barn light electric

“The owners respond quickly on safety issues,” he explains. “If I need anything to make my work safer and more productive, it’s not a problem.”

About a year ago, one of Sammy’s three sons also joined the Barn Light Electric team. A friend encouraged Raja to apply and he now works in the porcelain enamel area.

Barn Light Electric

“It’s a fun environment and I like everything I do here,” Raja says. “We take a lot of pride in what we do for customers.” Both father and son appreciate the supportive environment they work in each day.

“The company cares for us so that makes us want to do our best,” Sammy says. “We love it here!”

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